Citizen Group Statement on Conflict Minerals

Grounded in the spirit of the Citizen Group Code of Conduct and the U.N. Global Compact, the Citizen Group gives consideration to social issues related to human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption. Citizen Watch and Citizen Electronics have established CSR procurement guidelines and are working to clarify the guidelines’ stance on human rights, the environment and ethics with their business partners. Specifically, the companies are making efforts to clarify the important items of the guidelines with their suppliers.

Furthermore, Citizen Watch and Citizen Electronics conduct inspections in response to customer requests to determine whether or not their products contain conflict minerals – namely, tantalum, tin, tungsten, and gold – mined in the Democratic Republic of Congo and adjoining countries and disclose the results of these inspections. In addition, these companies request that their business partners do not use conflict minerals. In these ways, Citizen Watch and Citizen Electronics aim to eventually eradicate the source of funds for armed groups in these countries.

More information on the initiatives these companies are taking toward conflict minerals is posted on the Citizen Holdings CSR site.





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